Prepare for the CIPP/E, CIPM & SQE2 exams without the fuss and stress.

Hi there!
I'm Madeleine Weber
Nice to virtually meet you!
I believe that preparing for the CIPP/E and CIPM (the IAPP privacy certifications) and SQE2 (the SRA practical exam to become a solicitor of England and Wales) should not be a painful headache.
Before taking the exams, I spent months trying to work out what I needed to know, summarising notes and revising.
I passed the CIPP/E, CIPM and SQE2 on my first attempt respectively, but I didn't want candidates having to spend so much unnecessary time on creating sensible revision materials.
So, I took action and created efficient, easy-to-follow and no-nonsense revision materials that tell you exactly what you need to know.
Since then, 500+ candidates have used my CIPP/E, CIPM and SQE2 materials in helping them achieve exam success. Join them today.
If you have any issues or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at madeleine@inhousew.com or I also hang out on Insta regularly @inhousew.

Dimuthu Munaweera - SQE2 Preparation Student
“..the course outlines and the vids have been a game-changer for my preparation journey. The explanatory videos are incredibly helpful, and Maddie’s method of breaking down the law with clear, well-designed slides is exceptional."
My SQE2 Materials
Focus on what truly matters with my SQE2 materials. Be it outlines, mock exams (which are very similar to the real thing, trust me), videos breaking down the law in an easy to understand way, or personalised feedback, I have you covered.

Confidently pass the CIPP/E.
An increasing number of roles require you to have passed the Certified Information Privacy Professional Exam (Europe).
Get everything you need to pass the exam with my perfectly tailored preparation course that I wish I had when I took the exam.
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