How do I Study for the SQE2?

The Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) represents a significant shift in the way aspiring solicitors qualify in England and Wales. While SQE1 is a multiple-choice exam, SQE2 assesses legal knowledge as well as a range of practical legal skills. This blog post will guide you through effective strategies to prepare for SQE2. Understanding the Structure of…

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How to pass the CIPM exams? 

how to pass the cipm exams

If you have already done the CIPP/E or other CIPP certification, then you will have a good understanding of the exam structure and how to approach it. If you have never attempted an IAPP certification before, you may be wondering how to pass the CIPM exams. The CIPM is something you will need to study…

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SQE1 Tips

sqe1 tips

If you are planning on sitting the SQE1 this January, you might be wondering what to focus on in the next few weeks and during the exam itself. Just by way of disclaimer, I did not sit the SQE1, however, I did sit and pass the QLTS MCT on my first attempt. The QLTS MCT…

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